Bonnie Hunter Workshops 2018

From Bonnie Hunter's website:

Scrap Crystals: (Book Required)

Exploding stars radiate from small triangles from treasured scraps! A great 3 color quilt, if students don't like blue and green, they can choose any 2 colors plus background! Students will master the use of the Easy Angle ruler for quick half-square triangle units! Students will come to class with fabric strips pre-cut ahead of time, ready to sew, share and swap if desired.

Scrap Crystals Class Supply List

Jamestown Landing: (Book Required)

Stars and chains in blues and neutrals are sure to capture any star-lover's fancy! What a great way to clear out scraps by choosing two color families: A foreground (Blue) and a background (Neutral) Students will learn the basics of string piecing along with learning to use the Easy Angle ruler to create half square triangle units from 2 1/2" scrap strips. This quilt was a great way for me to use a large variety of blue and neutral scraps for the half-square triangles, and even more scrap fun clearing out a whole bx of neutral strings used in the alternate block areas.

Jamestown Landing Class Supply List